
Designed in Figma, built with Next.js, and hosted on Vercel. Only 0.09 g of CO² is produced every time someone visits this web page. This site was last updated on 23-07-2024.


The design of the site was inspired by John Maeda's Laws of Simplicity.

  • Reduce. The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
  • Trust. In simplicity we trust.
  • The One. Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.


My personal list of tools that I use (and am a massive fan of):

  • Raycast — like Mac Spotlight, but so much better
  • Notion — my second brain
  • Hyper — a friendlier looking terminal
  • Stack — a mindful browser to declutter the dock
  • Numi — a beautiful calculator for all kinds of numbers
  • Raindrop — the best and only bookmark tool you need
  • Hidden — a free alternative to Bartender
  • Fonts Ninja — the answer to "what is this font"

Last played

Nothing playing now, brb.